
Loving the Lord with Everything

At our last church gathering, we talked of God's command to love Him with all our heart, soul and strength in the Old and New Testaments. Jesus goes one step further and includes the mind. Deuteronomy 6:5 says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." In Luke10:27, Jesus tells us to 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind." Matthew quotes these same words of Jesus only he leaves out 'strength' in 22:37. Mark includes all 4 in 12:30. This discussion made me alert to the word 'strength'. In our discussion, Alex pointed out that 'strength' was not included in all passages. Perhaps it was just a matter of the author, Matthew, forgetting to incluce that word. Regardless, it alerted me to the word 'strength'. As I was reading in II Chronicles this week, King Uzziah was regarded as a godly king who became a


Greetings my fellow anointed ones! Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. (I Timothy 1:2b) I am so honored to be included in this body of believers whose aim is to please the One Who has called us out of darkness into His wonderful light. (I Peter 2:9b) We are blessed among people. My purpose in having this blog is so that we have a place to capture our thoughts throughout the week in between gatherings and to recap discussions we've had. Our times together have been so rich and full that I don't want to forget or lose sight of them. I think documenting the Holy Spirit's activity will be beneficial and encouraging years from now. Please feel free to post as often as you like and say whatever is on your heart. It could be a prayer request, praise, concerns, something you want to discuss at our next gathering put here as a reminder. Also, if you hear a great sermon, video, etc, please share it here. Or if you've discovered a great book/a